I had to look it up—were we spaying or neutering our kitten? I discovered that you neuter a boy kitten and spay a female. Glad we got that cleared up.
She didn’t like it. When we got our little tabby cat home yesterday, she was growling at us and quite perturbed at the whole experience. And then, when we put the little kitty cone on her, OMG, she ran around and tried to get it off. Of course, it didn’t help that we were laughing at her. How could we not? She was wearing a stiff Elizabethan collar contraption and her eyes were bulging in rage. Fortunately, the drugs hadn’t quite worn off so she collapsed into a deep sleep soon after.
Pets are wonderful to have, and both lengthen a person’s life and increase its quality. The shame is when people don’t take care of their pets. I can’t watch that show Animal Cops anymore because when I see how some people treat their animals, it just makes me physically ill. One time when I did watch it, there was this guy who had been starving his dog (who was chained up outside without any protection from the elements) and was subsequently sentenced to time in prison and had to pay a fine. The guy was surprised by this and remarked to the judge that it was “just a dog.” I was happy to hear the judge lay into him.
There are all kinds of laws to protect animals. Some people may consider this intrusive into our private lives. But it is hoped that these laws are a deterrent to those who may enjoy animal cruelty—particularly since people who are cruel to animals tend to also be cruel to other humans, such as children. It’s unfortunate, but the human species doesn’t naturally behave well, and too many parents don’t teach their children that certain behaviors are wrong, and so we need these laws to protect ourselves from others. I’ve come to the conclusion that the people who complain about too many laws in our lives are usually the ones who don’t want the laws because it interferes with their abuse of animals, children, or their spouses. Some people say they want the “good old days” back when there weren’t so many laws. Except, the “good old days” weren’t so good if you were a wife with an abusive husband or a child with parents that locked you in the basement and starved you.
Kathy, I think that I am your first commenter. Whoo Hoo! I've also added a link to your blog on my blog's link roll. Welcome to the blog-o-sphere. Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteHi, Kathy! (I am Mark's "cousin-in-law", Karen in Michigan) - followed Mark's link to your site, and look forward to reading!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely of the same mind as you regarding the shows like Animal Cops (it's bad enough hearing some of the stories coming from the local rescue groups *shudder*).
Congrats on the spaying and the totally-appropriate humor re Kitty's sedated antics (we have dogs who've been very goofy post-anesthetic)! Hope her recovery is smooth for both her & you!
Kitties are hilarious! Ms Kitty was not pleased about being spayed for a good two weeks.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I learned recently is that a lot of animals feel compassion for others of their kind, particularly in apes since that what the researcher had been studying, but humans are one of the only creatures that feels compassion for other kinds of animals. He had said only species, but I question that because of the gorilla and her kitten...Koko the Gorilla I believe. I wanted to throw this in there just to play a little bit of devils advocate.
On the other hand some people are disgusting. I hear some horrific stories when calling for the ASPCA. I dont even want to repeat some of those things...most of those things.